Gina Milo
“When You Got It, Flaunt It.” As Ulla, Gina Milo has got it, including the ability to make Ulla’s over-the-top allure into a spoof of the use of blondes as sex objects, at the same time that she is being a blond sex object.” -
New York Times
Encores Award Winner
Best Actress in a play or musical
Gina followed-up her 2014 ‘Encore’ victory (supporting actress – ‘Plaza Suite’) with a madcap performance in Mel Brooks’ classic, ‘The Producers.’ Ms. Milo exercises complete command of the ‘come hither,’ ingénue roles that display her charms and talents.
“Gina Milo‘s Ulla: the Swedish goddess…arrived on that stage with the comedic presence in the same vein as Lucille Ball or even Sofia Vergara: unknowingly nuanced and subjectively (maybe objectively?) batsh*t weird."
Broadway World
Gina Milo, as Ulla the voluptuary, had all the right (and left) moves, topping this panoply of pleasure with a powerful soprano. Her “If You Got It, Flaunt It” number expressed it all.”
Times Beacon Record