Gina Milo

“THIS AUDREY BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE…Although performer Gina Milo has goofball charm and great timing in spades, she also adds unexpected Mariana Trench-level depth to the character too. You can’t take your eyes off her anytime she’s onstage.
Portland Monthly

“As Audrey, Gina Milo is the quintessential femme fatale: vulnerable, innocent, abused and convinced she deserves nothing more. Milo's delivery of "Somewhere That's Green," was so delicately raw that it brought me to tears. The entire audience was silent, hanging on every note. Her gorgeous voice and tremendous acting talent are powerful and moving. She and Cearley are talents to keep an eye on.”
EDGE Media Network

Her crowning moment... “Somewhere That’s Green”… Milo manages to infuse the song with so much pathos it’s as if someone has plunked down Les Miz’s “I Dreamed a Dream” in the middle of Little Shop of Horrors.
Somewhere between Audrey’s wishes for a “fence of real chain link” and a “bedtime of 9:15,” you realize that you’re rooting for her. And as her face crumples and the reality of her sad little life reasserts itself it’s heartbreaking and honestly, kinda epic. Did I just tear up in the middle of "Somewhere That’s Green?"...
Yeah. We all did.”
Portland Monthly